Train your staff to recognise phishing attacks

Phishing simulation

Phishing attacks are a common and increasingly sophisticated threat to companies of all sizes. At SecDesk, we offer a phishing campaign simulation service to help teach your employees how to identify and avoid these attacks.

Discuss the posibilities!
Phishing simulation

Our service includes

  • Customized phishing simulation campaigns tailored to your specific needs
  • Fake emails that mimic real-life phishing attacks
  • Tracking and reporting on employee response to the simulations
  • Training and education on how to identify and report phishing attacks

What is phishing?

Phishing is the practice in which attackers deceive people into revealing sensitive information or installing malware such as ransomware. It’s the most common form of computer crime.

By taking part in a SecDesk phishing campaign simulation, your employees will learn how to spot the signs of an attack and take the necessary steps to protect your company’s assets.

Our tracking and reporting tools show how your team performs and where they need additional training. We can show them how to avoid phishing attempts by modifying their browsing habits, and being cautious of emails claiming to be from a company asking to “verify” an account.

Our phishing simulations meet four essential criteria.

They’re realistic

In order to truly put your employees to the test, the simulation should be as lifelike as possible.

They’re usable and convenient

Our simulations are easily configured and customisable to your organisation.

They’re complementary to a training programme

A phishing simulation should complement security awareness training that reinforces the lessons employees learn from the exercise. This helps them to understand the wider context of being security conscious.

… and they’re data driven and measurable

We provide you with tangible results that can be used to gauge your organisation’s progress towards a more secure environment.

Don’t let these attacks catch you off guard choose SecDesk for the best in phishing defence.

What types of phishing can your employees run into?